From the People who brought VitalSmarts’ Crucial Conversations to Bay Area based Companies.
A Framework for Cross‑functional Success
“The concepts and message in Work That Counts are spot on! Richard nails what is required to drive healthy change and performance in organizations of all sizes.”
JOHN DONAHOE, CEO of Nike; former CEO of eBay, Bain & Company, and ServiceNow
Based on working with many of the world’s best innovation companies over decades, we have not only made serious contributions to their success, but we have learned critical insights sitting next to many of their leaders.
With a behind-the-scenes vantage point – through leading hundreds and hundreds of management offsites, providing in-depth exec coaching, and having brought Crucial Conversations to Bay Area companies – we’ve built a framework for collaborative leadership and cross-functional success, represented in our highly-acclaimed book, Work That Counts – Breaking Down the Barriers for Extraordinary Results.
Founded in 1994 as Richard J. Lee Consulting, we are now known as Leveraging Impact LLC to better reflect our passion for strengthening individual and organizational impact, especially in and across teams.
Our services include:
This highly interactive and fast-paced program provides the framework and skills to increase impact working in and across teams. These three mindsets, when optimally applied together, can drive inordinately greater impact and results:
Empowered Relationships
The fuel to take action and drive decisions
Align to do the Right Thing
Choosing to do the right thing for the broader team
Collaborate Across Teams
Partnering in and across teams to achieve goals
Work That Counts™ was developed using insights gained from decades of working with the best global innovation companies. This fresh program focuses on how to accelerate and strengthen the impact of professionals and all levels of management in today’s complex organizations. Or contact us to discuss your situation and the ‘bookended’ approach discussed above for your team.”
Work That Counts – In and Across Teams™, the training program, is now available in a condensed, self-paced, 2 ½ hour version. Engaging and interactive.